October 22, 2024
Star Bank has been named among the top extraordinary banks in the United States by The Institute for Extraordinary Banking™.
Star Bank was recognized with the Institute’s Banky™ Award for its commitment to strong community banking. This recognition is given to top community banks across the country to help people find the best banks in their communities.

About the award, Star Bank President & CEO, Katie Wahlquist, says, “Community banks are the ‘heartbeat’ of America. We are instrumental in supporting local businesses which are the backbone of local economies. Star Bank’s footprint extends from the Twin Cities Metro across Central and West Central Minnesota. We’re growing with the needs of our communities, and it is a real honor to support our customers. I am grateful to The Institute for Extraordinary Banking™ for recognizing us in this way.”
The Extraordinary Banking™ Awards emphasize the indispensable contribution community banks have on their communities—how deeply woven into the fabric of the community they are. Their role in elevating the national economy is profound yet often misunderstood.
Community banks are the beacon that illuminates their local communities and the pillar of small business success.
Roxanne Emmerich, Chair and Founder of The Institute for Extraordinary Banking™, proclaimed during the awards ceremony: “Community banks recognize aspirations, dreams, and silent hopes of small businesses and individuals within their communities. The heart and soul of an extraordinary community bank is the visionary blueprint for the community's success and ability to enact that plan. Those banks, Top 5 Percenters™ in the industry, were chosen to receive this year’s Banky awards.”
To schedule an interview or get more information, call Alissa Sandholm at 952.594.2660 during regular business hours.
For photos from the awards event, visit: Extraordinarybanking.com/2024-banky-awards-winners/.